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Affiliate Program
Investors / IPO
Career Opportunity
Saddlers and Craftsmen
Independent Distributor
Suppliers Opportunity
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Piteado's History
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R. Obregon Corp. (U.S.A)
L.R. Obregón Inc. S.A. de C.V. (México)
Obregón LTD (China)
Obregón Corporación
Obregón Foundation
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Affiliate Program
Investors / IPO
Career Opportunity
Saddlers and Craftsmen
Independent Distributor
Suppliers Opportunity
Sale By Catalogue
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Mex:01152+(229) 938-7712, (229) 260-9914, (229 ) 934-1819    
U.S.A. 001+ (954) 465-9480, (954) 394-9416, (714) 447-1242
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R. Obregon Corp. (U.S.A)
L.R. Obregón Inc. S.A. de C.V. (México)
Obregón LTD (China)
Obregón Corporación
Obregón Foundation
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Piteado's History
Frecuent Ask Questions
Informative Documents
R. Obregon Corp. (U.S.A)
L.R. Obregón Inc. S.A. de C.V. (México)
Obregón LTD (China)
Obregón Corporación
Obregón Foundation
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Affiliate Program
Investors / IPO
Career Opportunity
Saddlers and Craftsmen
Independent Distributor
Suppliers Opportunity
Sale By Catalogue
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Cuauhtémoc # 116 Col. Rigo Boca del Rio, Veracruz 91920 Mexico: (229) 938-7712, (229) 260-9914, (922) 934-1819
3020 Oak St. Hollywood Fl. 33021 U.S.A (954) 465-9480, (954) 394-9416, (714) 447-1242
Web site edited and designed by: Corporacion Obregon. Obregón. Corp Copyright ©
  Accepted Use Policy
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Ways to pay your orders
Sales Tax Policy, Order Policy, Errors and Omissions
piteadobootsboton.gif casesboton.gif
"Jucamoba" Style
Fine Piteado Regular Width
Original Cactus Thread Two Inches Width
Versace Style
Classical Piteado Vintage
Golden and Silver Thread
Piteado Belts for Children
Made of Gold and Silver Wire
Custom Design
Distributor Brand
piteadobeltsboton.gif sandalsboton.gif accesoriesboton.gif saddlesboton.gif chapsboton.gif cordsandropesboton.gif piteadoforladiesboton.gif bagsandsuitcasesboton.gif jeansandshirtsboton.gif hatsboton.gif leatherconditioboton.gif originalcactusfiberboton.gif artisanmaterialboton.gif leatherboton.gif
Is PITEADOFINO/ OBREGON CORPORATION a money laundry or illegally lend-given-name Company? 

Should give us laugh and ignore this question but in the frequency of this indication, of widely unknown why not hurt us the new general fashion of be in “Global financial and economic crisis"? Some "mind handicaped Business" easily respond on behalf of us.


Money laundering is the process of making illegally-gained incomes (i.e. "dirty money") appear legal (i.e. "clean"). Typically, it involves three steps: placement, layering and integration. First, the illegitimate funds are furtively introduced into the legitimate financial system. Then, the money is moved around to create confusion, sometimes by wiring or transferring through numerous accounts. Finally, it is integrated into the financial system through additional transactions until the "dirty money" appears "clean." Money laundering can facilitate crimes such as drug trafficking and terrorism, and can adversely impact the global economy

Is Piteadofino/Obregon Corp. a money laundry

or illegally lend-given-name company?


Do we sell to anybody?


Why we are a leader company on this kind of “Piteado” art?


Frequent Ask questions about on how to

make Business with our “Piteado” products


Compare and Choose a Shipping Options


International Comparative Footwear nomenclature size chart


Download Area


How to make an Order


Ways to pay your orders


Piteado's History


Piteado's Today Reality


Piteado's Artcraft Embroidery Future


Myth and Piteado's Legend


The commercial “piteado” products

pioneers history in the U.S. 


The Quality which our boots are made


Learn More about our Western Saddle


The quality which our belts are made


What is the "Goodyear Welt" Process?


Copyright and Legal Information




Accepted Use Policy


Secure Shopper Guarantee and Return Policy


Sale Tax Policy, Order Policy, Errors and Omissions 

The Cactus Yarn does not burn?


Mexican Charro only?


What is the fate Charra?


Piteado’s global Capital?


How is processed and

Prepared the Cactus Thread?


Appreciation and Thanks


Where it is obtained

 And what is "Pita"?


Counterfeit on original

Cactus Thread Products


How and why there is a growing

Counterfeit crime in Latin-American?


Which led to promote and buy

Counterfeit of Original Products?


How long takes embroidered

some articles?


Piteados works only

used on Rodeo Activities?


When appear in Mexico, the first signs of use of pita

or cactus Fiber use obtained from Maguey Tree?


Are There actually embroiders in

Gold and Silver Thread genuine?


The use of ”Piteado" articles has something to do

 whit Drug Dealers or Mafia People?


Why our original products with good quality

are affordable to the general public?


How to distinguish and differentiate an original work from

embroidery with imitation materials or fake cactus thread?


The miracle of our Guadalupe lady showed up

in a cactus fiber material Blanket

In its mission to "safeguard the financial system from the abuses of financial crime, including terrorist financing, money laundering and other illicit activity," the Financial Crimes Enforcement Network acts as the designated administrator of the Bank Secrecy Act (BSA).
The BSA was established in 1970 and has become one of the most important tools in the fight against money laundering.
Since then, numerous other laws have enhanced and amended the BSA to provide law enforcement and regulatory agencies with the most effective tools to combat money laundering.

We make wire transfer payments from bank to bank to our factories suppliers of our manufactured goods overseas. Some times we also made wire transfer to make international payments with our suppliers and factories overseas with registered Money Services Business (MSB) which is to be registered by an owner or controlling person of that MSB. The operating of an unregistered MSB is a federal Crime.
So before make any deal with such (MSB) first we make sure that (MSB) is legally established.
Intelligence Reform & Terrorism Prevention Act of 2004
Amended the BSA to require the Secretary of the Treasury to prescribe regulations requiring certain financial institutions to report cross-border electronic transmittals of funds, if the Secretary determines that such reporting is "reasonably necessary" to aid in the fight against money laundering and terrorist financing.
As a export- import Company Obregon Corporation/Piteadofino deal with to many governments agencies in the U.S such as
U.S.C.I.S (Unites States Custom Immigration Services)
DEA (Drug Enforcement Administration)
USDA (United States Department of Agriculture)
FDA (Federal Drug Administration)
ATF (Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives)
IRS (Internal Revenue Services)
Fish and Wildlife
Among some others government’s agencies which have a record of our business activities and some of those have our corporate registration.
We are a entitled “c” corporation registered with the secretary of Florida State to make Business as a Import – Export - Distributor Company of our products making thu requested tax payments and duties as such corporation as well as all the impositions to the development of a strong and solid business with good direction, vision and the continuous innovation of our products accordance with what the market require
We do not lend or use other entitle Business name or cover any other with illegal activity. We cooperate with authorities in any matter to protect our Country (U.S.A) against grow of crime activities such as counterfeit, or any other affecting our nation.

So it is almost impossible to make any illegal activity inside our main business
Such as some others jealous around our business said just because they can not be competitive with our market strategies, distribution manners and place same prices with good quality for a same product. So in their small minds, easy and coward way they just mention us as we sure making something illegally, because their short understand the successful keys on how to build and the management of a strong Business
Send us your questions


The “Piteado” products are no well resalable?


Informative Documents


"Piteado" Art Made in Veracruz Mexico





Piteado Western Boots
Fine Piteado Regular Width
Leather Belts JUCAMOBA Style
Original cactus thread two inches width
Versace Style
Classical Piteado
Embroidery by hand with golden and silver thread
Piteado Belts for Children
Made of Wires color Gold and Silver
Custom Design
Distributor Brand
The quality which our belts are made
Piteado belts Gallery Images
Cords and Ropes
Piteado For Ladies
Bags and Suitcases
Jeans and Shirts
Embroidery and Leather Cleaners
Original Cactus Thread
Artisan Material
Piteado Western Boots
Fine Piteado Regular Width
Leather Belts JUCAMOBA Style
Original cactus thread two inches width
Versace Style
Classical Piteado
Embroidery by hand with golden and silver thread
Piteado Belts for Children
Made of Wires color Gold and Silver
Custom Design
Distributor Brand
The quality which our belts are made
Piteado belts Gallery Images
Cords and Ropes
Piteado For Ladies
Bags and Suitcases
Jeans and Shirts
Embroidery and Leather Cleaners
Original Cactus Thread
Artisan Material